Couch Potato

It must be the weather - long, sunny days start to shine light on the little corners of the house that need a small facelift, a little freshening-up. We have a really great, locally made sofa that Adam bought when we first started dating, and I love it, I really do. I just wish it was grey instead of brown.

But until that happens I'm taking a stab at integrating some grays in with the brown (gasp!) and getting rid of our super shiny, floral, green and yellow throw pillows.

These delightful little pillows came my way via a good friend who is moving and purging everything - and while I'll be sad to see her go I'm really excited about these pillows.

My hope is to recover all of the offending pillows in a mixture of beiges and grays in order to create the illusion of my new favorite color, "Greige." Look it up, it's a real thing.

This remnant of off-white linen was from another throw pillow project for our bedroom and it was the perfect size to wrap around the smaller sofa pillow.

One thing about the original pillow I knew I might miss was the little bit of visual interest in the embroidery so I played with ideas on how to bring something similar into the new cover. I settled on a simple set of chevron stripes that I lightly sketched with pencil on the back of my fabric before I assembled the slip cover.

Then I ran it through my sewing machine, going over each line three times with a medium grey thread and then finished assembling the cover.

Looks pretty nice, it's a little simple but I think it will live nicely with the new grey and yellow ikat pillows.

And here he is - living with his new neighbors. The pillow to the left was snagged from our bedroom and you can see my first attempt at the "poor woman's embroidery" technique.

What are your thoughts on mixing gray and brown? Appalling? Or is it an antiquated rule like no white shoes before Memorial Day? Speaking of, Happy Memorial Day weekend to everyone! Let the white shoes reign!