Bedroom Revamp - Part II

It's finished! We now often catch ourselves standing in the doorway oohing and aahing at how light and bright it is. Taking that brown crown molding down and replacing it with the new shiny white molding makes me feel like we've added a foot to our ceiling height. Exciting stuff.

We last left off with having removed all of the nasty faux-wood trim which we thought was going to leave behind unsightly gaps between the paneling and the window and door frames - fortunately for us it wasn't anything a little selectively applied caulk couldn't handle.

I painted the new trim in the garage (at this point we've painted enough trim to learn that if we can paint it all in one stretch without having to cut in along ceilings or floors it goes a lot quicker) while Adam caulked around each window and door as well as along the corner trim pieces that we chose to leave intact. We also took the time to put two coats of white ceiling paint up as well - we had no idea how grungy it was until the new paint went up...

There was one area under one window that the gap was more substantial - I could see it from the hallway - so Adam ripped down a length of quarter-round and nailed it underneath before I painted two fresh coats on all the trim - we went with the same color we've used throughout our living and dining rooms as well as our hallway. Next came wall paint - we settled on "Play It Cool" as our color of choice - for obvious reasons. After painting nearly every square foot of this house together it has been established that I cut in and Adam rolls, we're a match made in heaven.

Ceiling? Check. Window and door trim? Check. Walls? Check. Time to install the new baseboards and crown molding - and look who arrived just in time to help! Mama and Papa K drove out to spend the week with us and we quickly put my dad to work.

Adam dry fitted the baseboards which involved ripping lengths of material as thick as the paneling to run along the floor behind the trim so it would adhere flush with the wall. Then they cut the corner bead back to accommodate the new, taller trim. Speaking of that taller trim - here it is doing an awesome job of concealing the weird panel seam from before.

Then came the molding - they marked where the studs were, measured thrice, cut once, and installed it.

Adam did an awesome job getting creative with this wonky corner.

Following them around the room I set any nail that didn't go below the surface with a hammer and nail-set tool, then I filled each hole before touching up the paint. And voi-la! We're both pretty stinking happy with the result.

I'm working on updating the art in here and am contemplating using some images from this great reference book I found at a local antique shop. The thought is to chose three of our favorites, frame them in matching frames, and hang them along the wall above the dresser.

The wall opposite our bed is a giant blank canvas as well and I think this handsome fella would look GREAT over there. Oh, and we went garage saling this last weekend and I scored some new lamps - here's one auditioning for a starring role on my nightstand. You like?

What have you spent your last couple weeks working on? Have you been out for your first garage sale of the season? Any great deals?