One Night Stand

Finding the perfect night stand is like finding the right pair of shoes to complete an outfit - and if it's cute and functional - you win.

My requirements were - 1. Storage 2. Decent height so I could easily read my clock from our lofty bed 3. Cute 4. More storage. We have a small bedroom (God bless the 1929 craftsman) so the more nooks and crannies we can create to house our things, the better.

Met this little guy at one of my favorite Portland thrift stores - and while I didn't fall madly in love with him at first sight - it had the height I wanted and a price tag I could get on board with ($20.)

The top piece was just a thin square of cheap plywood so that went away first thing. Then I removed the drawers, lightly roughed up the surface of everything with 120 grit sandpaper, and spray painted 2 coats of a nice glossy ivory. 

The drawers had a groove along the bottom for pulling them open but I wanted to update the look and give a little visual contrast to them so I sourced three pulls - they appear mostly black but they have a slight "oiled bronze" patina to them.

For the top I wanted a "polished rustic" look, so Adam and I dug through our scrap barn wood and unearthed some pieces that he then ripped down to various widths (2" - 3".) I used our random orbital sander to make them smooth and he attached them from inside the top drawer with our nail gun. The finish is just a clear gloss spray I had lying around - I'll keep you posted as to how that holds up.

And here's the finished product nestled into its tiny corner in our bedroom.

What's your favorite thrift store find? Was it perfect to begin with or did you revamp it especially for your space?