How Does Your Garden Grow?

April showers will bring May flowers, and hopefully July vegetables. This weekend we took a moment to sneak out and take advantage of the spotty sunshine and put some carrot and beet seeds in the ground. We're probably a couple weeks behind the curve but eh, live and learn.

The leafy greens we planted a month back are shaping up - in spite of getting between a dog and his squirrel - and the snap peas are looking good too.

This season Adam transplanted his hops from being directly in the ground to these half wine barrels as the barrels tend to heat up quicker and stay warmer longer. Warmer roots = more hops = happy home brewer.

And here's an overall view of the garden - the bed in the middle will house our tomato starts once they've been hardened off and are ready to be outdoors around the clock. The bed nearest us gets the most shade so that houses our lettuces, kales, spinach, etc. The bed behind that has the snap pea starts which will eventually take over the trellis behind it. And the furthest bed is where the root vegetables will live as well as our butternut squash as there's room along the backside for it to trail.

The weather this week looks like it's shaping up to be a good time to begin hardening off our starts - right now we have two types of tomatoes, one hot pepper, two summer squash and a winter squash. This is the first year we've done starts and so far are pleased with their progress. Check back in August after we've had some time to harvest...

Have you started vegetables from seed? What kinds have you had the most success with?